Pet Resources

At Coronado Veterinary Hospital, we’re aware of the vast amount of information available on the internet. Our team has taken the time to evaluate the following websites for credibility and authority on all manner of veterinary topics. We trust the information the listed websites provide to you, our client, and we hope you find these resources just as useful!

American Animal Hospital Association

The go-to resource for pet owners seeking accredited veterinary hospitals and quality care guidelines for their pets.

American Board of Veterinary Practitioners

Offers certification to veterinarians who demonstrate expertise in specific animal categories, ensuring high standards of clinical practice.

American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine

Focuses on advancing veterinary internal medicine and improving the treatment of diseases affecting animals.

American Veterinary Medical Association

The leading advocate for the veterinary profession, providing resources, support, and guidance to veterinary professionals and pet owners alike.

Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges

Supports and enhances veterinary education through leadership, collaboration, and advancement of the veterinary medical profession.

Center for Veterinary Medicine - U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Oversees the regulation of animal drugs, food, and medical devices to ensure they are safe and effective for animals.

Pet Travel

If you are planning on traveling with your pet, please follow the links below:

San Diego Humane Society

For assistance information provided by the San Diego Humane Society regarding deployment, travel, clinics and more!